Retirement and Marriage

Retirement and Marriage- how retired couples can live happily ever after.

How does your partner feel about your ageing and retirement?

Retirement affects the whole relationship; everything changes all of a sudden. It can be a delightful time, and can strengthen the bond between partners.

Retirement may not live up to couples expectations, and this may cause difficulties in their relationship.

The ongoing ageing process, including physical and health issues, can be very stressful and impact on many aspects of their relationships. 

Ageing and intimacy

Does aging affect a couple's libido and love life?

It’s normal to have an ongoing interest in sex throughout one's adult life, and this can continue into the eighties.

Chronic illness can affect sexual function and desire, and concerns with self-image may produce feelings that one is no longer attractive.

Differences in libidos are common among couples of all ages, and may become more significant with ageing.

If sexual intercourse is a problem then other forms of expressing intimacy may be appropriate at older life stages- touching, hugging, kissing and physical closeness. 

How does your partner feel about your ageing and retirement? 

Honest communication about wants, needs and desires is essential. Relationships that have lasted thirty, forty years may fail when faced with the challenges of retirement and ageing.

Don't miss the opportunity to spend some of the best years of your life, with the partner who can make them the best.

Personal space

Couples should acknowledge the need for personal space within the home, a place where they can be alone to concentrate or relax?

A spouse who retires may have an expectation that the other spouse, who has worked in the home, will be available to them all the time. The partner who has worked in the home can find the retired partner’s presence around the house all the time very discommoding and stressful.

Sharing activities

Do you agree that each should continue to have the space to follow their chosen pursuits outside the home?

Retirees may have problem in filling their days in a satisfactory manner. They look forward to sharing some activities with their partner such as going to the gym, the occasional lunch, or going to the movies in the afternoon - at the "seniors" rate! They may discover that his/her days of are his/her days off, and he/she wasn't very interested in the things he/she wanted to do. 

Partners need to communicate their needs, and be prepared to make adjustments where necessary. 

One prescription for a happy relationship in retirement is for people to work together to create a lifestyle they both find fulfilling.

Retirement and marriage-a lighthearted view

Living Together After Retirement: There's a Spouse in the House

Cartoonist Graham Harrop takes a lighter look at life after retirement, and the unexpected trials and tribulations of the newly retired with too much time together!

Couples can often find the constant presence of being in each other's company, or "under each other's feet", trying. 

The cartoons are by Graham and a link to his book is highlighted above.

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