Positive Ageing Quotes

Inspiring Quotes and advice about Aging and Retirement

Positive ageing quotes suggest that some of the best days of your life will occur in retirement.

Think about the last ten years, you will probably feel they have passed too quickly. What will your life situation look like ten years from now? 

We need to make the most of our time because it passes so quickly, especially when we are adults. At the age of ten, a year seems like a decade, at 60 - a brief interlude. 

Positive Ageing Quotes

Imagine your seventies being the happiest decade of your life...it’s possible.

‘Grow old along with me; the best is yet to be...’ Robert Browning

Youth doesn't show us all the wonders of life- trust God, don't be afraid and enjoy what age brings.

"Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength." Betty Friedan

'You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old.'
George Burns

A mature garden requires more maintenance, than a younger one.

‘As you get older, you just learn to dance in a different way’-Jean Butler, first female lead in Riverdance, 20 years ago.

"He who is of a calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition youth and age are equally a burden." Plato


Healthy Ageing

Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.’ Edward Stanley

People over 50 are likely to lose strength and flexibility, yet they can maintain and improve their flexibility and strength at any age.

Healthy ageing for seniors...daily exercise-eat well-be passionate about some activity or hobby. You could be in better shape, have fewer aches and pains and have more energy than you did 10 years ago.

The Four Pillars of Longevity from the book Younger Next Year
1. Exercise six-times-a-week.
2. Eating for nutrition, focusing on fruits and vegetables.
3. Avoiding boredom, developing your hobbies.
4. Connecting with many other people - creating a solid circle of friends.

Sustained physical activity in older age is associated with improved overall health. Significant health benefits were even seen among participants who became physically active relatively late in life.'
British Journal of Sports Medicine

Positive Ageing role model

'It can be very hard to get people my age out. They think that they are too old for doing things, but these days, 60 is young.
I'd encourage people to get up and get out. One step at a time will get you there. I see people my own age at mass who find it hard to get up out of the pew for communion, but there are other ways of staying active.'

Maureen Armstrong (89) ran her first 10km race at 69

Positive Ageing Quotes for Diet and Nutrition

The role of diet and nutrition is central to Healthy Ageing. Many of the illnesses suffered by older people are a result of dietary factors. Good nutrition plays a significant role in determining the well-being of seniors, and in delaying and reducing the risk of contracting disease. It is never too late to change dietary habits, and enjoy the benefits of a longer life.

I trust that those positive ageing quotes and advice about healthy ageing may encourage you to think more positively about your own aging and to believe that some of the best days of your life will occur in retirement.

Retirement Quotations

Read more retirement quotations here.

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